Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Protection Policy

Chapter I

General provisions

  1. MŰISZ Szolgáltató Iskolaszövetkezet (registered offices: 1137 Budapest, Szent István krt. 24., fszt. 16, ground floor, Hungary) (hereinafter: MŰISZ), considering the need for working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health, as well as the provisions of Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour safety and of the decrees implementing the aforementioned Act, hereby adopts the following Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Protection Policy (hereinafter: the Policy).

    The Policy sets forth all general requirements and personal and material conditions of work which ensure working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health.

    MŰISZ is responsible for the implementation of working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health. Employees’ work safety obligations do not affect MŰISZ’s responsibility. Costs and other burdens incurred with respect to discharging the employer’s duties may not be passed on to employees.

  2. Material scope (subject matter) of the Policy: covers any and all work conducted at MŰISZ.

  3. Territorial scope of the Policy: covers MŰISZ’s registered offices and any and all other places of work.

  4. Personal scope of the Policy: covers all employees working for MŰISZ’s own organisation.

Chapter II

Work safety agenda

  1. Work-safety related responsibilities of the members of MŰISZ’s Board of Directors (hereinafter: the Board):

    • Appoint the work safety officer.

    • Make responsible decisions about employees’ comments on work safety.

    • Provide for the regular inspection of the premises, the workplaces and the tools, including the safe operation thereof, the elimination of any dangers and hazards, and the developing of working conditions that are not hazardous to health.

    • Ensure the fulfilment of occupational health requirements.

    • Participate in the investigation of work accidents, including any severe work accidents, and provide professional assistance to the process of investigations and the establishment of causes and results.

    • Ensure the proper commissioning of hazardous premises and equipment, and the rating of tools coming under rating requirements.

    • Monitor and provide for the timely conduct of scheduled safety inspections.

    • Participate in the external and internal work safety inspections, provide documentary inputs, and provide for the timely remedying or elimination of any shortcomings discovered.

    • Allocate financial resources to the funding of work safety materials.

    • Keep an inventory of employees on social security benefit on account of accidents.

    • Cooperate in authority procedures and inspections.

    • Discharge all other legal obligations.

  2. Duties of the person delegated with direct work-supervision rights:

    • Ensures the implementation of working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health in the area of their responsibility.

    • Provides for the elimination of any shortcomings detrimental to working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health.

    • Ensures that any and all work injuries are entered in the Injuries Log. Reports any work accidents causing disruption in the work to their direct supervisor.

    • Conducts and documents initial and follow-up practical training sessions.

    • Checks on a daily basis the personal and material conditions to safe working that is not hazardous to human health; suspends work if conditions are different.

    • Ensures that machinery and equipment is powered down at the end of the workday, and checks that no fire hazard is left behind.

    • Discharges any other legal obligations.

Chapter III

The employer’s rights and responsibilities with respect to the implementation of working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health

  1. With respect to ensuring working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health, MŰISZ shall be required to:

    • instruct its employees as necessary, in a timely manner;

    • regularly check whether the working conditions comply with the relevant requirements;

    • provide employees with protective equipment fit for the working conditions and any hazards resulting therefrom;

    • forthwith investigate any and all work safety shortcomings it learns about or that are reported to it, take relevant measures as necessary, notify the affected persons, and stop the working activity if there is a direct hazard;

    • follow the relevant rules and requirements in the event of any work accidents or occupational illnesses;

    • discharge any and all other legal obligations.

Chapter IV

The employees’ rights and responsibilities with respect to the implementation of working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health

  1. Employees may only conduct working activity when they are fit for safe working, in adherence to the rules on working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health.

    In particular, they shall be required to:

    • conduct reasonably expected actions to check the safety of the tools handed out to them, use such tools appropriately and in accordance with the instructions received from the employer, and conduct the maintenance tasks that are required of them;

    • use their personal protective equipment appropriately and keep it clean as is reasonably expected of them;

    • wear clothing for work that is safe and not hazardous to human health;

    • keep discipline, order and cleanliness in the workplace;

    • learn and implement the relevant safety requirements;

    • undergo the required medical check-ups and, where relevant, job fitness examinations;

    • avert or eliminate, as may be reasonably expected of them, any hazardous malfunctions, or report such to their supervisors;

    • forthwith report any accident, injury or illness.

      1. Employees shall be entitled to require from the employer:

        • working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health, as well as the implementation of protective measures as prescribed by work safety regulations to accompany hazardous activities;

        • the provision of information about working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health and relevant training;

        • tools, protective equipment, and agents and means of personal hygiene as appropriate for the safe conducting of the work;

        • drinking water of appropriate quantity and quality in accordance with the relevant health regulations;

        • changing, washing, healthcare, catering, resting and warming facilities as appropriate for the work and the workplace.

      2. Employees should not fear retribution for their actions for working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health or for blowing the whistle on the employer’s alleged shortcoming.

      3. Employees shall be entitled and encouraged to refuse to do their work if that directly and severely threatens their own or others’ life or health and security.

      4. Lighting at the workplace, both natural and artificial, must comply with the relevant requirements for the kind of work that is being performed there. Workplaces should be sufficiently ventilated and air conditioned to

    ensure enough fresh air that is not harmful to health taking into account the number of occupants, the nature of the activity and the presence of any sources of hazards.

    Chapter V

    Fire protection

    1. Facilities, structures and equipment may only be used in accordance with the requirements and instructions set forth in their occupation or usage permit.

    2. Working activities, storage and other activities may only be conducted in buildings, structures or open-air spaces that fulfil the relevant fire protection requirements.

    3. Only materials and tools necessary for the regular working activities conducted at any workplace may be kept at such workplaces.

    4. Combustible materials and waste generated must be continually removed from the workplace.

    5. Spilled and leaked materials must be soaked up, removed to the designated place and disposed of as hazardous waste.

    6. Only clothing, footwear and tools that are not ignition sources may be used.

    7. Smoking is prohibited in rooms and open-air spaces classified into fire hazard categories A, B and C as well as marked by regulations or sign-posted.

    8. Smoking is allowed only in the designated smoking areas.

    9. Smoking may only be allowed in areas where it does not cause any hazard.

    10. Activities constituting or causing fire hazard must not be conducted in areas where there is a danger of fire or explosion.

    11. When there is a fire alarm, any and all activities causing fire hazard must be stopped and may only be resumed once the fire alarm has been called off and the area inspected.

    12. All pathways, corridors, stairwells, emergency exits, stairs and gates in the facilities must always be kept free of any obstruction across their entire width.

    13. Access to any and all electrical cut-off switches, public utility cut-off valves, lightning rods, fire alarm equipment, fire protection equipment and fire extinguishers in the facilities including the rooms and open-air spaces thereof must not be blocked, obstructed or used for storage, even on a temporary basis. All wirings, pipelines and utilities must be able to be easily identified and safely operated, managed and maintained, and all electrical equipment must comply with the relevant (insulation, anti-explosion, etc.) safety requirements.

    14. In the event of fire, the following must be notified to the fire department:

      • the accurate address;

      • the kind of material on fire and the extent of the fire;

      • if human life is in danger;

      • the property in danger;

      • the name and telephone number of the person making the report; and

      • any other information requested by the responding operator.

    15. In the event of fire, only the number of employees necessary to carry out the rescue operation and fighting the fire may remain at the location of the incident.

    16. Once the fire has been extinguished, the site of the incident must be kept intact for a fire inspection and damage assessment.

Chapter VI

Work safety training

  1. In order for employees to learn, and during their employment be constantly aware of, the theoretical and practical aspects of working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health, and to familiarize and be constantly aware of the relevant rules, instructions and information, MŰISZ ensures that employees undergo training upon:

    • their hiring;

    • switching workplaces or jobs, as well as any changes in the requirements concerning working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health;

    • any modifications to existing tools or the commissioning of new ones;

    • the introduction of new technologies.

Employees must not be assigned independent tasks until they have been trained in work safety.

Chapter VII

Specialist work safety activity – employing a person with work safety qualifications

  1. The activities mentioned in Act XCIII of 1993 and those listed below may only be conducted by persons with a qualification in work safety:

    • technological commissioning of hazardous facilities, workplaces and tools;

    • inspections pursuant to Article 21 (2) of Act XCIII of 1993;

    • formulation of internal policies on the provision of personal protective equipment;

    • inspection of severe work accidents and of

    • work accidents caused by tools or technology that resulted in the parallel, same-time and same-spot injury or damage to health of more than two persons.

  2. In order to ensure the completion of tasks – required of the employer – related to working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health, MŰISZ must employ a person with qualifications in work safety considering the hazard classes and workforce size defined in Act XCIII of 1993 and Decree No. 5/1993 (XII. 26.) MüM on the implementation thereof, for the duration and with the terms and conditions specified by the aforementioned Decree.

Chapter VIII

Work safety procedures, work safety commissioning

  1. Work safety commissioning

    1. The technological operation of hazardous facilities, workplaces or tools must be conducted on the work safety officer’s written orders.

    2. The precondition for commissioning is: for tools subject to preliminary work-safety inspection, the availability of a certificate of work safety compliance; for facilities, workplaces and tools subject to regulatory control, the availability of a regulatory permit.

    3. The requirements for commissioning also apply to the resumption of operation of hazardous tools and technologies.

    4. Prior to the work safety commissioning, hazardous tools and technologies may be operated only for pilot and test purposes and for not more than 180 days, unless such operation is precluded by legal regulations.

    5. In order to be maintained in a safe technical condition, tools whose manufacture or commissioning is subject to regulatory permission or whose review is prescribed by legal regulations, technical standards or the operating instructions must be subjected to periodic safety reviews.

    6. Unless otherwise provided for by legal regulation, technical standards or the applicable operating instructions, the reviews must be conducted on a five-yearly basis.

    7. MŰISZ ensures that Hungarian-language operating instructions needed for the safe use of all machinery and equipment are available as permanent accessories at all times.

  2. Work safety checks and inspections

    1. In order to ensure working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health, the work safety officer of MŰISZ shall conduct comprehensive inspections on an annual basis. Direct workplace supervisors and other persons as required by legal regulations must attend the inspections.

    2. The inspection findings must be recorded in a protocol.

    3. The protocol must include the following:

      • the names and positions of the inspections’ participants;

      • the name of the inspected unit, any shortcomings uncovered, and the date the protocol was drawn up;

      • any and all shortcomings uncovered by the previous inspection not yet eliminated;

      • measures ordered to be taken to eliminate the uncovered shortcomings;

      • the names of the persons responsible for the elimination of the uncovered shortcomings and the deadlines for actions.

  3. Occupational healthcare service

    1. In order to ensure working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health, the work safety officer of MŰISZ shall provide access to occupational healthcare service in accordance with Article 58 of Act XCIII of 1993.

    2. The responsibilities of the occupational healthcare service include cooperation in the creation of a safe working environment and in the prevention of any damage to health. Access to occupational healthcare service does not relieve MŰISZ from any of its obligations as an employer.

    3. The occupational healthcare service operates under the supervision of the relevant branch of the medical officers’ service ÁNTSZ; in this context, the employer may not instruct occupational-healthcare-service staff.

Chapter IX

Protective equipment

  1. Supply of personal protective equipment

    1. Work processes, technologies, tools and materials shall be elected in such a way that they do not endanger the health and safety of either the employees or of any other person or persons in their range of action.

    2. Where employees are exposed to danger of damage to their health, they must be equipped with personal protective equipment.

    3. Where an employee is exposed to several different types of harm in connection with a work process, they must be equipped with personal protective equipment against each and every type of harm.

    4. Personal protective equipment has not any predefined replacement period; it must be replaced according to the actual wear and tear it suffers.

    5. MŰISZ may not offer its employees financial or other compensation as a substitute for ensuring working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health.

    6. The supplying of personal protective equipment qualifies as specialist work-safety activity.

Chapter X

Procedures for reporting, investigating and recording work accidents and occupational illnesses

  1. Work accidents procedures

    1. Work accident: accident suffered by an employee during or in connection with regular work activity, irrespectively of the location and time as well as the degree of the (injured) employee’s potential contribution to the accident.

      An accident shall be deemed to be in connection with work activity if it happens in the course of travelling, materials conveyance, washing (showering), using the catering service, occupational healthcare service or any other service provided by the employer, etc. that is connected to work activity conducted by the employee in the context of their job.

      An accident is not in connection with work (i.e. shall not be deemed a work accident) if it happens in the course of commuting to or from work, except when travelling in a vehicle owned or rented/leased by the employer.

      A work accident is considered severe when it results in:

      • the death of the injured person (instantly or within 90 days of a condition medically confirmed to be a result of the accident), the death of the injured person’s foetus or new-born, or a permanent disability preventing the injured from leading an independent life;

      • the loss of a sensory organ (or the function thereof), the loss of the ability to reproduce, or substantial limitations thereof;

      • a – medically confirmed – life-threatening injury or health damage;

      • extensive amputation, the loss of a significant part of a thumb, or two or more fingers of a hand or foot (and more severe injuries);

      • the loss of speech, conspicuous disfiguration, paralysis, or mental disorder.

    2. Work accidents and occupational illnesses must be reported, investigated and recorded.

    3. MŰISZ is required to record the following information about work accidents:

      • the injured person’s position;

      • the time, place and nature of the injury;

      • a description of the accident;

      • measures taken to care for the injured person;

      • whether the injured person continued their work activity;

      • the name and position of the person making the record.

    4. Work accidents that result in incapacity for work must be investigated forthwith.

    5. The findings of the investigation must be recorded in a work accident protocol. A separate protocol must be drawn up about each person injured in five (5) counterparts.

    6. MŰISZ is required, upon the conclusion of the investigation but not later than the 8th day following the month of the investigation, to forward the protocol to:

      • the injured person; if deceased, to their direct relative, in one (1) counterpart;

      • the Labour Supervision Unit, Employment Department, Government Office of Budapest, if the accident resulted in death or incapacity for work of a duration of more than three (3) days, in one (1) counterpart;

      • the Social Security benefit payments agency, or the relevant health insurance fund, in two (2) counterparts; and

      • the MŰISZ register, in one (1) counterpart.

    7. Severe work accidents must be reported forthwith to the relevant authorities by telephone, telex or facsimile.

    8. The injured person or the person discovering the accident must forthwith report the accident to the direct work supervisor.

    9. Accidents suffered by employees seconded or transferred shall be investigated, reported and registered by the employer employing and directly supervising the injured person. The transferor/seconder must be notified about the accident.

    10. The investigation of severe work accidents qualifies as specialist work-safety activity.

  2. Procedures for alcohol testing

    1. As a means of preventing working activity under the influence, alcohol breath tests shall be conducted at random.

    2. Persons entitled to conduct alcohol testing are:

      • the Board of Directors;

      • the work safety officer.

    3. The testing must be properly documented.

    4. When a person contests their positive breath test result, on their request a blood test at the relevant healthcare institution must be arranged for.

    5. A blood test must be requested in writing, and a blood-alcohol test kit must be provided.

Chapter XI

Personal requirements for working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health

  1. Employees may only be employed in jobs:

    • for which they have sufficient innate abilities; and

    • which do not endanger their health and – for minors – their healthy development; provided that they do not put other persons’ health in danger and are proven fit for the job.

Medical fitness must be demonstrated in advance by certificates obtained at regular medical check-ups.

Chapter XII

Employees’ representation and reconciliation of interests with respect to work safety

  1. Work safety representative, work safety committee

    1. Employees are entitled to elect from among themselves one or more work safety representatives in order to promote their rights and interests with a view to working conditions that are safe and not hazardous to human health (hereinafter: work safety representative) as follows:

      • A work safety representative election must be held where the size of the workforce is at least 50. The employer is required to organise the election and ensure the necessary conditions;

      • A work safety representative election must be held as mentioned above if the size of the workforce is below 50 but the trade union or works council operating at the employer or – in the absence of such – the majority of employees call or calls for such election;

      • If the workforce is below 50 and no work safety representative is elected, the employer must regularly consult the employees on work safety issues.

    2. Where there are at least three work safety representatives, they may set up a work safety committee (hereinafter: committee). Where a committee has been set up, the rights of the work safety representative – when all employees are concerned – are exercised by the committee.

Chapter XIII

Miscellaneous provisions

This Policy takes effect as of the day written below and remains in effect until it is revoked.

Any issues not provided for herein shall be governed by the provisions of Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour safety and other relevant legal regulations as applicable.

Budapest, ........... 2016

MŰISZ Iskolaszövetkezet represented by: Gyömbér Gábor chairman of the Board of Directors